If you go thru most of Europe, these countries are all green. Sure it rains often-its more likely to rain than be sunny in the UK on any given day, However and imho, while there is a big part played by geography (Gulfstream and areas of high pressure), I think the regular rain is partly driven by the fact that these guys really plant trees.
I was thinking that it'd be great if say 3m Kenyans each decided to sponsor 10 trees each. It would make a difference to our chances of getting better rainfall consistency even as we wait for GoK to grow the balls to tackle Mau forest's disappearance...
One of the best statements i have heard. The same was said by Titus Naikuni on watchman. It only seems Kenyans can only come together to "Mapambano"
GITM- for 10yrs a neighbour has offered farmers tree seedlings for free. He nearly had to start paying them money to take them. Almost whole area is now semi-desert. Naromoru desert has a certain catch to it. Very sad catch.
Taitus should have indicated how many trees he has planted thus far and whther KQ as a polluter has a green policy.
Shanga-haven't seen the i-view but I don't know how CSR KQ actually do. Might be a good spot for them to start.
You would expect that America, the most industrial country in the world, is more deforested than Kenya but that is not the case.
Every spring, we are given free tree seedlings at work but I am yet to plant one. I guess it has something to do with our culture.
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