Saturday, January 26, 2008

God is ABLE

The last few days have even be very worrying/harrowing. Lakini nobody can solve Kenya's problems but us Kenyans with God's help.


The Black Mamba said...

Yeah, things are thick. We will come through this. When and how is another matter altogether.

pesa tu said...

The areas where the bloodiest clashes are taking place are the most religious/conservative parts of the country.They count high church attendance every Sunday.R most of these people hypocrites?

pesa tu said...

Howevr, i have no doubt that prayer is one of the weapons that will see us through this crisis.

MainaT said...

Ssem-I am probably one life's over optimistic peeps, lakini this situation from last Thursday when Kiuks started the revenge-game has got me worried

MainaT said...

Pesa-tu, this is one for the theologians. Ati kitu 80% of Kenyans are Christians, yet we are in the top 10 of world's most corrupt; we can cave into our tribal origins at a moment's notice and then there this is whole situation.
A funny story, one of my pals here is a church leader. Anyway, he is been organising prayers for Kenya. At every meeting he tells guys that the meeting is not a political one. As soon as he sits down up pops some guy, " we can not pray and not talk about this thief in statehouse!" and thus de-generated that meeting. Your hear of some of churches cursing the devil in statehouse. Others praying against the devil's encroachment into the same house...

Without a doubt though. Its God and his mercy that will pull Kenya from the brink.