All about the Nairobi Stock Exchange, USE, DSE, LUSE, GSE, FTSE & KENYA. (Please see disclaimer at the bottom of the page)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Portolio- 6month retrospective
Monday, June 29, 2009
About the trees- again
When was the last time you planted or encouraged somebody to plant trees.? Why aren't we getting touchy about deforrestation in Mau, Mt Kenya, or the Tana River (and the Qatar) land grab? Or the drying Mara, Uaso Nyiro rivers. Yet we can cry ourselves hoarse BSing about some dead musician/p who won't add sukuma wiki or Kenyan grown maize to our plates. Swine flu which dominates the headlines today has got nothing on the coming drought or fights over land and water. Where is Michuki/Kimendeero when his purposeful leadership is needed?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Difference Europe & Africa- Lets plant trees
Saturday, June 20, 2009
NSE weekly: crucial next pt is post Q2 close, Olympia...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Investor Information at the NSE in the Fibre Optic World
With fibre optic having landed, there is no longer any excuse for the NSE not to provide info to investors. Or the listed firms for that matter. And if neither is able to evolve in terms of using the technology, I hope that some of the firms that so enthusiastically picked up the vendor licences from the NSE can step up to the plate. It should also encourage ibs and brokers to move into better data and trading services provision. So what kind of information would I envisage the NSE and the vendors to be able to provide to investors at almost no extra cost, just extra brainpower. Note that this information would provide the NSE with a lot of upside in terms of increased trading volumes, number of transactions and improved investor knowledge:
- Email alerts- allow existing investors or potential investors to register with your website so you email alerts to them:
- When a share price reaches a particular value-this would be useful for investors who do limit orders
- When a share price changes by a %-this would be useful for day traders or even medium term investors
- When a particular firm’s director changes his shareholding-it’s usually a signal of something afoot. Director maybe leaving soon, maybe optimistic/pessimistic about the firm’s prospects.
- When a particular firm’s shareholders change their holding by more than 1%- usually impacts the share’s price. Would have saved a lot of small Uchumi investors who would have noticed the Kirubi trades.
- Any major (price moving), announcements for a particular firm-so this covers results announcements, bankruptcy filings; cancelled revenue generating contracts; divestures of loss-making operations.
- Holdings: For brokers and CDSC there is now absolutely no excuse for not giving investors the ability to view their cd accounts via the web during trading hours.
- Live trading: This is not so much the information but surely we can now trade live. If its funds, investors can send a certain amount beforehand.
Monday, June 15, 2009
NSE touches 3,000 next stop is 3,500
On Mungiki-we either choose progress or ...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Information Age Arrives: Momentus day for Kenya
The last 18 months have been very rough on Kenyans and we should be thankful to God for day like today.
I actually think that the arrival of fibre optic cable has the potential to be impact Kenya’s economy more than the mobile penetration has.
The opportunities really are massive with a whole new economic sector not just in outsourcing but programming; off-shoring opening up.
One hold back will be power generation where GoK must aggressively encourage solar energy and other sources. I was expecting to see some tax breaks in this field in the budget just gone…
Special mention goes to visionary that is Bitange Ndemo who really has owned and driven the whole TEAMS project.
All in all, a great day in Kenya’s history.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Budget Initial Thoughts
Here are some of the budget highlights and my take:
- UK has tried to make an interesting budget by making it targeted.
- CDF per constituency is now higher by 20% but also increased funding for health, teacher hiring, school construction et al. But what is needed is better governance. For every Gatanga there is 10 Sabotis; Nyeri Town etc.
- Reduced duties on cotton but also on mitumba i.e. zero net effect on cotton farmers
- Money for wholesale agriculture markets- it’d be cheaper to bring in legislation to allow local commodity futures market
- Reduced duty on maize imports-what about increasing research spend for KARI to develop drought-resistant maize? There was money towards irrigation projects...
- Ksh250mn for juduciary development work. Drop in the ocean...
- Some rural ICT initiatives. These I like...
- Reduced duty on mobile handsets. The industry doesn't need a helping hand. Money would have been better encouraging fibre optic coverage or even solar energy initiatives.
- Ksh1.3bn towards the light railway project, but note this needs Ksh20bn
- Reduced dutieson cosmetics-for who?
- Usual measures aimed at reducing ministry car use; expenditure on stuff like furniture, travel. Remember Kimunya's ideas? Not that this will entail new cars. How and when will the expensive ones be disposed?
- No MP taxation-UK has just escaped a mauling
- Wierd stuff like reduction of duty on spirits- a good finmin will always raise his cash via sin taxes.
Overall budgeted expenditure is growing at almost 20% per year which is in line with inflation. Total gross expenditure is Ksh864bn against KRA revenue target of Ksh570bn (up 14% on last year). Thus I make the deficit a shade short of Ksh300bn. Of this Ksh109bn has been flagged as being financed via bonds; there is some external aid (Ksh35bn). So still have a gap.
Bonds (cue higher interest rates) will finance some and of course some listings when NSE is buoyant enough. Do note that if there is competition between NSE and bonds, bonds will win for the time being so expect downward NSE movement if the bonds are flooded.
Bottomline: Its an aspirational budget, but the deficit remains key worry.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Peter Kenneth for Rais
Pre-Budget thoughts
25%+ of NBK will be sold to Equity and others. One reason to put some cash into the share as addition of NBK would make Equity undervalued on forward P/E basis.
KPL was a shoe-in candidate a year ago. Not so sure given all the foregoing with KCB and the like.
In which case, KPA, KenGen 19% may have to come into play.
Outliers will be the likes of New KCC in 2010 and private sale of stake in KWL.
Flood of Bonds:
Well GoK has already said it wants to bring Ksh109bn into market. Cue good income for StanChart and other bond hounds. The downside is that the accompanying liquid sucking up will either have to be solved by higher interest rates or CBK reducing banks' reserve ratio. And of course, reduced lending which may be the exact shot in the arm the economy needs right now.
Sin Taxes:
Lip-service to reforms:
I dream will get a much needed financial services regulator; increase in banks capital requirement to Ksh2.5bn; a halved cabinet (politically easier to do this than to get MPs to pay taxes). But I think we'll get something small on NSE, the annual "reduction" in car spend.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
The case for a considered revival of KMC
Kenya Meat Commission's survival is once gain in doubt despite GoK spending almost Ksh1bn to get it up and running again. More is the pity. Kenya is an agriculture economy and the sooner GoK recognises and devotes not just money but better thinking process around how
- Farming of all types from dairy, animal husbandry, maize farming, small-holding horticulture can be moved subsistence. Key to this is having supporting marketing boards of the New KCC and KMC variety.
- Nurturing these market boards to become strong private sector players. Only notable successes today are New KCC (which is due to list when the market allows) and possibly Mumias.
- Listing the said market boards so as to deepen private sector ethos and practices.
Beyond that they are social imperatives for supporting the likes of KMC:
- Diseases: effectively having small butcheries mushrooming all over the place will make it difficult and expensive to contain diseases that typically tend to spread to human beings. With a bigger outfit, it’s easy to have the centralised command control needed.
- Arid and semi-arid areas make for inhabitable business setting up. GoK is better at doing this in these areas as part of its development program.
- Quality product: Its easier for KMC to support farmers in bringing stronger healthier (leaner for those who care?) animals than GoK trying to influence smaller butcheries to support this.
The only issue is corruption but then this is not just a public sector preserve...
Monday, June 08, 2009
Kifaki to Mugabe...

I pity Mugabe's secretary. He/she must have been worn out trying to take notes for Mugabe to chart his path forward on governing with a PM.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
NSE weekly: KQ cut up by a hedge, CEO Mahinda's exit & others
Results & Announcements:
The headline will be that KQ posted an eye-watering loss for 2009 (the largest in Kenya's history?), but
- Turnover was higher than prior yr across board though some of this was due to the slightly stronger Ksh over the period
- Passenger numbers were either higher or flat in all the its flight regions
- If you remove the hedging strategy's P&L impact from both yrs, KQ had a higher PAT than 2008
- operating profit was lower driven by higher costs, which is not good especially if the $ strengthens this year
- the hedge was/is a mess and there is no getting around that. Mark to market is not the issue because that is international accounting standard. KQ would still have incurred the realised losses of Ksh1.4bn. You can't hedge a large portion of your fuel for 3yrs at $120 when the oil price has never gotten that high before. It’s similar to the way you won't buy a share at near its highest price. A 6 or 12 monthly rolling/calendar hedges might have been more ideal to allow recalibration of KQ's hedging strategy to oil futures.
EABL's CEO Gerald Mahinda move is a bit strange. He has presided over a very successful spell at EABL and its a bit of a surprise he wasn't given a bigger job as say MD for the African operations. His replacement seems a relative novice into the Kenyan market. An opportunity for Keroche?
Economy will move sideways this year and with remittances down expect interest rates to have to rise at some point to help bridge the budget gap.
FTSE and other markets:
Staying well balanced. Barclays went down well below £3 as expected but has since resurged as it confirmed BGI sale. Next test for all banks is the performance of govt bonds which may end up forcing interest rates upwards.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Barclays: drowning bank or misplaced fears?

When the banking industry was in the throes of its most turbulent period for a spell, banking analysts, watchers and investors fully expected Barclays, a big player in fixed income to be among the first to keel over. Barclays managed to fight itself out the corner by signing up foreign investors; revealing strong financials and generally talking positive almost daily. It even resolved to sell its ishare business (the largest provider of some of the more progressive investment products e.g. efts, in the market today I believe). As a final vote of confidence the FSA gave it a pass after due some tough stress tests. As a result, its price recovered from a historic 47p low to a high of £3.21 early this week.
Then Abu Dhabi decided that its long-term investment was short-term and it was cashing out at some hefty profit along with a v funny FT missive. Then it announced that Timasek had sold out at a massive loss in January and it was closing its final salary pension scheme. At of course its now looking to sell its whole BGI business. That business is almost risk-free and earns Barclays steady though not proportionately huge revenue. So why sell now when Barcap may see lower revenues due to more limited activities (and yes more opportunities)?
In the short run, I expect the price may touch a low of mine, but long-run the bank seems to be strong and remember it did go through a stress test by the regulator...
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
- Why does trading in Western markets feel like pure gambling compared to the NSE?
- Why do most black men always go for the lowest common denominator (easily available) when they date other races when wazungus go for looks when dating other races?
- Why do bunge candidates in Kenya have to belong to a particular political party?
- Why do most self-confessed neutral observers always turn right or left when it comes to politics or religion? E.g. you couldn't find a liberal calling for no war on Afganistan after 911 even though by right Saudi Arabia could easily have been a target given the majority of the terrorist were Saudis.
- Why do most black women never pine for having their hair grow or be styled au nauterrel you know without the straightness, curlers et al?
- Why does a Kenyan like me who is a minority of privileged Kenyans who either have fast or continuous internet access use it to talk negative all the time about my country?
- Why do recruiters always hound you when you don't want a job and avoid you when you do?
- Why do we acknowledge God but disassociate ourselves with Ngai wa Kirinyaga, Anu, Enkai etc?
- Why does politics attract society's oddities? The sort that think it odd for their constituents (the majority who commute to the same city as they do) to get mad at their 2nd home claims or odd to a hire a cheering crowd?
Monday, June 01, 2009
Closure of coffee and tea auction houses a good call?
Price discovery is important to the functioning of a market economy. Price discovery is basically a mechanism by which the price of a product or service is agreed on. In almost every market, there exists a price discovery mechanism that acts as a signal to potential and existing buyers and sellers of where the price for their product of interest is heading. In the absence of a commodities futures exchange in Kenya, or the equivalent of the National Cereals Board, the tea and coffee auction houses have acted as the main conduit for this price discovery. The auction houses have also been used for blending which is where they take tea from Kenya and blend with that from India as an example and brand it Earl Grey. This later role is what I believe has caused the issues that led Ruto to announce the closure at the end of '09.
To close them down without a viable solution for the price discovery mechanism seems to me to be an act of folly and which will probably lead to farmers being messed up even more. And what about reforming the auction house by for example banning the blending of Kenyan tea, but keeping the price discovery aspect of the auction houses? Or going for a more evolved commodities futures market that mirrors those in the US?
2ndly, the Kenya tea branding exercise that is proposed as a replacement seems more to be a copy of what Ethiopia did successfully with its coffee (though it has to be said the Ethiopians had the bargaining chip and were well organised in comparison). Several queries though:
- Does the intended strategy change take into account the realities of the current world market for tea and coffee?
- Does Kenya as a producer of both products have the bargaining or product quality power to be able to launch a Kenya tea and coffee brand into the market?
- Is the timing right given the current world recession in terms of receptiveness of world market to a new brand?
- Who is going to do the centralised organisation required to market both produces?
Kudos Nation, Standard media
As an investor and an nrk, getting updated news and business/financial reports from Kenya is essential. Hence its good to acknowledge DN and Standard's daily inputs. Nation continues to keep pace with its use of technology and I think its digital edition is superb especially because its the only guaranteed source of all financial reports, something that not even the ever-dozzy NSE does. DN also keeps its new live with regular updates though there is still room for improvement. And its pioneering youtube version is pretty handy. And not a bad a share to invest in either.
Standard though playing a never-ending catch up game does to quality articles when its minded to do so. Its Tuesday business magazine is a must read and an area Nation has struggled to catch up with its Smart company mag.
Areas of improvements:
Business coverage-remains anaemic and not even BDA has been able to fill the gap. I've never seen quality business coverage of any economic sectors. Not too mention the often rather obvious errors. Stories that touch on listed firms are usually never given a context. As an example a story about Mumias kicking off its power co-generation project should have touched on the revenue generation possibilities for the firm.
Political coverage- too much of it.
Happy madaraka day...