Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Safaricom IPO Prospectus

The thing has been leaked (that link has been disabled so either email me or try this website courtesy of ColdTusker).

  1. its now 3.4bn shares for retail investors. Cue inevitable oversubscription.
  2. unless you have Ksh30mn, you won't be able to buy as a foreigh institution
  3. only CMA can register you as a QII-these get 2.7bn shares
  4. the thing lists on 30th of May-refunds will take a while after that.
  1. spilt your bucks into two. some for safcom ipo (it'd be foolish to reading about it in the newspapers) and the other half in the put in the normal counters.

1 comment:

coldtusker said...

Si... u give me some credit for finding the prospectus on InvestingInAfrica?

LOL... spread the good news...