Thursday, February 22, 2007

BBK profits up 19% on FY05

The good bits for me are the lower non-performing loans compared to '05; the fact that the bank is now getting ready to take Equity on in the competition for the unbanked population by opening and reopening branches. The not soo good is that if you look at the their breakdown of income-fees were flat for the year as was interest income from loans and advances-their income growth was interest on treasury bills. This tells me that their lending is very conservative which is a shame given what must their fairly advanced credit-scoring systems. So my hope for the next year and beyond is to see a more aggressive bank in terms of its lending and also bringing on additional income streams- why for example aren't they involved in stockbroking? Why don't they have Internet banking?
Anyway, see for yourself courtesy of the much-improved NSE website.

1 comment:

odegle said...

mainat .. you have captured it quite well. you wonder why in this day and age, bbk with 6b profits do not have a kenya centric website with customer information. about new products dont even go there. it looks like bank managers are only looking at the non banked kenyans as the only way for growth. i wonder whether this will be profitable in the long run