Thursday, June 14, 2007

Nairobi-seriously good to look @

Next time you read those Economist-type articles written by some misguided fools, send them these pictures for an alternative view (spotted courtesy of mimi tu). Alternatively, they can read this from the much more balanced FT.


The Black Mamba said...

Economist know that sensationalism sells. That said, the infrastructure in Kenya is crumbling. Yes, the buildings (private investments) are beautiful but for the majority of Kenyans, they have no access to such luxuries. The roads leading to those magnificent buildings are in shambles.

While the economist is focused on our mess, lets not pretend it is not true.

We need to demand for more from the govt. That said I'll soon see for myself how things are on the ground.

MainaT said...

Ssem-you going home? Lucky u. Not going till Dec for me and mine.

On the Economist, I normally like what they have to say precisely because they always have a different angle to it compared to your normal Western press. This piece I thought just said stuff everybody has read or heard about without adding anything new for example the progress being made on the economy, infrastructure et al.

The Black Mamba said...

One more week at work. I can't wait to go on vacation considering I carried forward 13 days from last year. I am excited but at the same time scared of how much work will pile up for the 5 weeks I'll be gone. Now I know what makes people not go on vacation.

BTW I always wanted to subscribe to the economist but as it is I'm trying to cut down on the number of magazines i read.

MainaT said...

5 weeks! I thought you worked for an Investment Bank? Most of the US ones seem to dislike guys taking more than two weeks at a time...
Yeah, I can actually the period before going on hols to be the most stressful time of my yr cos you have to nail everything down to make sure stuff doesn't fall over.

The Black Mamba said...

Simply put, I'm an inventor/innovator though I wish I had done business.

One more week! Next week will be crazy as I tie all the loose ends and hand over my projects.

swaka said...

Mainat, I like the piece... All the pieces, the economists might be sensational, but we should not ignore it, atleast it gives us a clear picture of how others percieve us.

Nai, really looks good.I will use some of the pictures to educate some ignorant friends in the US Virgin Islands.

I will also be on the "ground" in Dec, I can't wait to see the real picture!