It must be for incompetency that stockbrokers have not been as profitable as banks in Kenya. Stockbrokers get Ksh2 for every Ksh100 transacted. Doesn't sound much. The total NSE' valuation was around Ksh1trn or just over that during the bubble period that peaked in last August (in transaction value terms). However only a fraction of that (infact around 10% at its highest) is ever transacted (bought and sold) in any given month. The monthly average transaction is under Ksh2bn. Thus 18 brokers (and shrinking) get to share Ksh20m in commission. And its not an equal cake hence some won't get even the Ksh20mn. However, even when you assume that each of the 20 employees (on average) gets Ksh0.5m per month, additional costs won't come to Ksh10mn per month. Therefore, with a few exceptions, its difficult to understand why the brokers have the issues they've had with profitability.
Going forward, brokers (new or old), will only guarantee profitability (and therefore survival) if
a) they can change the transaction charge structure so that each broker can charge as they wish, but also complete on service level and variety of distribution channels (including the cheap internet option).
b) either focus on volumes or transaction size, but this is already a target market by the likes of D&B, Kestrel Capital and SIB who rely on big clients making big transactions.
c) chase after the illusive ib trade of which there are already some ibs that get the choice business.
d) throw themselves at the mercy of the big deep pocketed banks.